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The Milky Way in the inky night sky

When the dazzling light faded away, I saw the Milky Way in the inky night sky.

Paralyzed, I lay in darkness and silence.

Fear was little by little growing to be larger and larger.

Have I finally reached the end?

Gratitude used to be so hollow, but now, sincerely resonates with me.

Cooking, gardening, washing dishes, all the insignificant things become so precious.

Man is mortal is known to all, but how many really take it to heart.

Memories and dreams are tangled.

Endless choices and worries.

My mind is constantly jumping from one thought to another.

At this moment, I have no choices but to lie still.

It suddenly dawns on me that I am the author of my life.

I define the meaning of everything that happens to me.

Chen-en Lee


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